Leadership / Bio
Jack Robinson
I was born into a ranching family near Lubbock. We moved to Clarendon when I was in middle school where my Dad leased part of the JA Ranch. We attended the Church of Christ on an infrequent basis. I earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from TAMU in 1969. Susan and I were married in 1970. After serving in the Army and a couple of years in grad school (MBA UNT), we moved to Amarillo where I worked in public accounting for about 10 years. I later started my own mortgage-related business where I still work today. Susan and I became Christians under the preaching of Robert Churchill (OPC) when we were in our late 20’s. We worshiped in the local OPC church for many years until we helped start the PCA church here in 2008. We have two daughters and three grandkids.